The Chabad at Lehigh will offer a free Mezuzah to any student who needs one for their dorm room or apartment. Ancient tradition teaches that this small mitzvah brings blessing and serenity to your home. A person introduces holiness and harmony into the world by placing a Mezuzah on his or her door.
If you are interested in buying a Mezuzah, we recommend that you visit Mezuzah Master.
Tour, hike and jeep throughout Israel, climb the ancient fortress of Masada, float in the Dead Sea, enjoy the culture and excitement of Jerusalem & Tel Aviv, experience a warm and fun-filled traditional Shabbat, meet Israeli students, soldiers, politicians & business leaders.
Pre-register for Birthright this summer Free 10-day trip to Israel. Make sure you're doing it with the Chabad crew! Guaranteed to be the best trip you can ever have.
To sign up for you FREE trip to Israel click here
Enjoy a series of lunchtime discussions, exploring themes drawn from Judaism's rich 3,000-year tradition. Join this stimulating learning community for open discussion, debate and analysis.
Mix, Bake & Experience the secrets of kosher cooking. Lend a hand in the Chabad House kitchen and help Dit's prepare all the Shabbat delicacies we enjoy each week.
Incredible, comprehensive and thought provoking 8 week course on Jewish values through the lens of the Ten Commandments. Class includes textual study, field trips, formal graduation, alumni benefits, and $350 stipend upon completion of course requirements. Course will be held in both Fall and Spring semesters. Limited spaces available.
Sinai Scholars - Revolutionary Ideas Judaism Introduced the to the World.
Rabbi Zalman or Dit are available at the Chabad House or any location of your choice. Please contact us if you would like to study a specific topic in Jewish law, ethics, philosophy, history, contemporary issues, Hebrew and Yiddish language or any of the hot button topics of the day.
Explore the myths and mysticism of Judaism!
Located in the heart of Jerusalem, Mayanot's yeshiva offers adult Jewish education in it's full-time, part-time, semester, summer, and winter programs for English speaking students and young adults.
The Rohr Scholars will be awarded $5,000 towards tuition, room and board at the Mayanot Institute of Jewish Studies located in Jerusalem. We invite you to acquire a solid grounding in the fundamentals of Jewish thought. This is your opportunity to explore the issues that have challenged Jewish thinkers for centuries - in an intimate and intellectually open atmosphere in the heart of Jerusalem.
We offer a warm, interactive Passover Seder that is family style, English friendly, and alive with humor and insights. Enjoy fine wines, an elegant dinner, and crispy hand-made Matzot. Celebrate the Holiday of Freedom at a Seder experience you will remember for a lifetime!
Purim celebrates the salvation of the Jewish people, in the year 3405 from Creation (356 bce), from Haman's plot "to destroy, kill and annihilate all the Jew, young and old, infants and women, in a single day.
Haman was Prime Minister to the Persian emperor Achashveirosh, whose dominion extended from India to Ethiopia. Endorsed by Achashveirosh, Haman's decree boded the physical destruction of every single Jew on the face of the earth.
While the sage Mordechai rallied the Jews to prayer and repentance, his cousin,Qween Ester, engineered Haman's downfall at a private wine party to which she invited the king and the minister. She prevailed upon Achashveirosh to hang Haman and to issue a second decree, empowering the Jews to defend themselves against those who sought to destroy them.
On the 13th of Adar -- the day selected by Haman’s pur (Lottery) -- numerous battles were fought throughout the empire between the Jews and those who attempted to carry out Haman's decree (which was never actually revoked). The following day, Adar 14, became a day of feasting and rejoicing in celebration of the Jews' victory over their enemies. In the ancient walled capital, Shushan, where the battle went on for two days, the victory celebration was held on Adar 15.
Mordechai and Esther instituted that these two days be observed for posterity as the festival of Purim -- Adar 15 in walled cities, and Adar 14 in unwalled towns -- by public readings of the story of the miracle as recorded in the "Scroll of Esther," sending food portions to friends, giving gifts of money to the poor, and enjoying a festive meal accompanied with inebriating drink (recalling the fateful wine-party at which Esther turned Achashveirosh against Haman)
To learn more about Purim Click here
Every year Chabad at Lehigh hosts a Pre Purim Hamantashin backing , A Grand Purim bash, Megillah Reading and mishloach manot give-aways.