“My biggest hope for Chabad and the organization is that it continues to thrive on this campus, I’ve personally seen a steady growth in the number of people who are involved, and how strong and tight-knit the community has gotten.” 
- Jake Zebaida, ’20
Chabad Lehigh on Instagram
Lehigh is blessed to have President @joseph.j.helble leading our community 🌟 Thank you for invitation to meet and discuss the upcoming fall semester and how to keep Lehigh a warm and welcoming environment for the Jewish community and all students

Lehigh is blessed to have President @joseph.j.helble leading our community 🌟 Thank you for invitation to meet and discuss the upcoming fall semester and how to keep Lehigh a warm and welcoming environment for the Jewish community and all students ...

Happy birthday and mothers day To Dit. L'chaim to the greatest wife and mother any man and child could dream of. We love you Dit. 🎉💐🌹🥂

Happy birthday and mothers day To Dit. L`chaim to the greatest wife and mother any man and child could dream of. We love you Dit. 🎉💐🌹🥂 ...

Our response to President @joseph.j.helble email to the Lehigh University Community @lubrownwhite

Our response to President @joseph.j.helble email to the Lehigh University Community @lubrownwhite ...

With the vision to open the doors of Judaism to all students and faculty at Lehigh,

A warm, welcoming and non-judgmental environment.

Why are we here?  Because we care.  The values that lie at the heart of Chabad at Lehigh are embodied in Torah and Jewish tradition.  They include:

  • A commitment to the growth and success of our students because to us, they are family
  • Dedication to the campus community to ensure Jewish continuity
  • An overall goal of helping one single person many times over because we strive to view each individual as just that, an individual